He stated, “The operatives of the command have launched yet another heavy blow on the smugglers through shared intelligence, leverage of technology and coordinated border management. ”

Bashir vowed that under his leadership, the Adamawa and Taraba Customs Command would become a no-go zone for smugglers.

“We have started strangling the smugglers and we will continue to strangle and suffocate them until smuggling activities are being purged out of the command, ” he vowed.

He added, “The operatives stormed the bank of River Benue, at Jimeta waterside, popularly called Bakin Kogi at about 0330hours and discovered 240 drums of 220 litres each well arranged with an intent to ferry it through the waterways to the republic of Cameroon.”

Bashir warned, “To the smugglers and economic saboteurs, I encourage you to forsake illicit trade activities and embrace genuine business as Nigeria customs service is out to facilitate legitimate trade and ever ready to crackdown smuggling cartels for the nation’s economy to have fresh air.